Lapsesta aikuiseksi - Nuoren kypsyminen naiseksi tai mieheksi Aalberg Veikko & Siimes Martti A. Päivitetty: 25.11.2022 15,00€
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The Psychology of the Physically Ill Patient - A Clinician's Guide Backman Margaret E. Päivitetty: 20.01.2022 5,00€
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The Very Thought of Education - Psychoanalysis and the Impossible Professions Britzman Deborah P. Päivitetty: 18.11.2020 8,00€
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Advanced Language Learning - The Contribution of Halliday and Vygotsky Byrnes Heidi Päivitetty: 28.09.2022 8,00€
Bittersweet - How to Turn Sorrow into Creativity, Beauty and Love Cain Susan Päivitetty: 04.03.2025 6,00€
Building Out into the Dark - Theory and Observation in Science and Psychoanalysis Caper Robert Päivitetty: 30.11.2021 9,00€
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The Most Human Human - A Defence of Humanity in the Age of the Computer Christian Brian Päivitetty: 14.01.2025 9,00€
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N'y a-t-il pas d'amour heureux? Comment les liens père-fille et mére-fils conditionnet nos amours Corneau Guy Päivitetty: 14.02.2022 6,00€